Farm news, Sept 23/2019

We’ll have the following veggies this week:

lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, broccoli, squash, tomato, peppers, eggplant, leeks, potatos, carrots, beets, onions, celery, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, hot peppers.  We’ll try to squeeze out one  more week of cucumbers and zucchini also, but we’ll see…

On the farm this week:

I think it’s safe to say we won’t need the irrigation anymore this year.   This year seems a lot like last year : we had no rain all summer and now that it’s fall it doesn’t stop raining.  The difference is that it’s hot this year and last was so cold!  So,  I’ll wait to complain about the weather at least until it gets cold.  We’ve actually not had a frost yet which is really rare!

My goal this year was to bury the main water line for the irrigation system(it was also my goal last year and the before that) and a little bit each week I’ve been working on it but I’m running out of time!   Karyl and I worked on putting risers on it Friday morning  until we realized working in the rain and lightning wasn’t as fun as it sounded.   But on Sunday my dad came out and dug this trench for his 75th birthday.  He said it was the best birthday ever!  If I don’t get this done in 2 weeks though I’m afraid it will be my goal for next year also….

The only thing that is really annoying to do when it’s wet (other than walking) is digging up carrots and potatos.   We’ve been taking advantage of every drier day we have to get them  done.   It’s starting to dry up a bit from the weekend, so hopefully we’ll get these carrots dug up tomorrow before it rains again!

Also, with the hot weather the last 2 weeks broccoli is ahead of schedule and it’s making me nervous!  A lot of things can be left in the field for a while, but when broccoli is ready it has to be harvested, so ideally we don’t have too much ready at once.  They’re also bigger than I expected.  Look at the broccoli on the top of the bin Kelsey is carrying ! (they’re not all that big)  The broccoli is around 1-2 lb each and we plan to have 2 heads for full shares and 1 head for half shares this week, so I’ll hope to hear from people after this week if it was too much broccolli.   Remember you can always freeze it!

With the season winding down now Shenggang is finished working for the season.  We were lucky to have Shenggang come out each Monday because he has Mondays off from his other job and Monday is our always our busiest day.  We will miss him and hopefully get him back when we dig up all the winter carrots.

That’s it for this week,

See you soon!

Jonathan, Sarah, Irina, Kelsey, Karyl and Danielle