We’ll have the following veggies this week for csa:
Choose 3: Head lettuce, lettuce mix, spinach, kale
Choose 1: large squash or brussel sprouts
Choose 1: broccoli, 2 kohlrabi, bok choi bunch
Choose 2; parsley, dill, cilantro, green onions, leek
Choose 1: Radish, Turnip, celeriac, small squash, small brussel sprout, cabbage
We have 2 kinds of radish – the black spanish radish and the watermelon radish. The black one is a little spicier and the watermelon sweeter and is pink on the inside. But I think they both have great flavour now that they’ve had a few good frosts. Just look at the look on Tristans face after taking a bit of that spicy watermelon radish. That is the look of satisfaction if I’ve ever seen it.
It’s also maybe the last chance to get fresh herbs because it’s going to freeeze this week, so we’re doing a choice of 2 herbs for those who want 2 and a choice with leeks for those who don’t.

On the farm this week:
Well summer is almost done now! We’re hoping to be finished everything in 2 weeks, (so in reality 4 weeks), but still it’s nice to think just 2 weeks left! After tomorrow we’ll be focusing on harvesting all the winter storage veggies, planting garlic, spreading compost, making some beds for early spring planting next year, and most exciting of all: putting up the new greenhouse which just arrived Friday!:
It’s probably no secret that I’ve been pretty inconsistent with our field tomatoes for as long as I’ve been alive. But our small amount of greenhouse tomatoes always do well. So I decided it’s time to just get serious with the greenhoue tomatoes, hence the big greenhouse going up. We’ll also hopefully do some peppers so we have more ripe bell peppers next year. And next year we might grow more greens in it through some of the winter months.
After spending a year contemplating what size to make it, where to put it, which direction to face it etc, I finally realized that it’s almost winter and I better make a decision. So I did and it was the same one I would have made 6 months ago. If only I could have those 6 months of indecision back…
Here’s my friend Mark-Jan who came over Sunday to help me get the first posts set up.

That’s it for this week.
Jonathan, Sarah, Irina, Kelsey, Mallory, Samantha, Tristan