We’ll have choices from the following veggies this week:
Lettuce, kale, broccoli, melon, carrots, beets, onion, potato, tomato, leeks, beans, peppers, cucumber, zucchini, arugual, cabbage, celery, corn, dill
On the farm this week:
Here’s Sandra going through the lettuce right beside the undoubtedly the worst smelling place on the farm, and possibly the world right now – the old broccolini patch. Why does the old broccolini patch smell so bad? Because the flea beetles are demolishing it right now and when that happens it starts to smell like the worst rotten broccoli smell you can imagine.

Some exciting news is we got a new farm truck! I’ve been looking for a truck all summer because our old harvest truck stopped reversing. In addition to this, the passenger window dropped down and doesn’t come back up and the driver side window doesn’t come down. The combination of no reverse plus no windows made for constant adventure due the following conditions:
- The only way to turn the truck around was to drive to the end of the farm and do a tight u turn.
- At the end of the farm where there’s room to U turn is 100 bee hives
- It was super wet for the first 2 months of summer, so the only way to not get stuck turning around was to floor it
So basically several times a day we were praying we didn’t slide into 100 bee hives with the windows open. Thankfully those days are over.

And finally, We have a new member on the farm for the last few weeks. Here’s Shala who’s become our new designated bean picker. Shala is from Nigeria and this morning it was 17 degrees at 7 am, yet he was wearing a neck warmer, toque, hood winter jacket and winter pants while I was wearing shorts and a t shirt. Shala is the first man who’s come to the farm in several years that can lift as much as the women do

Well, that”s it for this week. See you soon,
Jonathan, Sarah, Sandra, Morgan, Tessa, , Alyssa, Barb and Shala.