Farm news – July 1st

Happy Canada day!  I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend.  On the farm we’ve been having a different kind of ‘long’ weekend involving lots of hoeing.











People often think we have lots of weeds between our  rows of squash – it’s actually fall rye that is planted there as a cover crop.























In your box this week:

You will have choices from:  Lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, radish, turnip, kohlrabi,

dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, scallions, peas, broccoli, beets, arugula and mizuna.

We’ll be doing our first harvest of zucchinni tomorrow morning, but it doesn’t look like there’ll be many zuchinni to harvest, so we may not include them until next week in the CSA pickup.

Once again, the greens on everything is edible, and the beets have amazing greens on them week. (As the season progresses the greens probably won’t be as nice – so enjoy them while you can).  My favorite way to eat beet greens is to fry them with butter and salt.



This bodiless arm keeps showing up with a bunch of beets while we’re working.  I don’t know what it wants.  I think it wants us to eat it’s beets.










On the farm this week:

It’s getting hot out – the proof of this is that Kendra finally took off her parka!  Also, now instead of trying to avoid the cold water of the wash station, we’re all fighting over who gets to wash vegetables.

Also this week the potatoes beetle eggs hatched ; however I’m not worried (yet).  Each year the potatoe beetle outsmarts me – and it’s hard on my ego because as you can see below,  it’s brain can’t be that much bigger than mine.  This year I may have outsmarted it though!  I left a patch of potatoes where the potatoes were last year, and when the beetles emerged from hibernation they thought they were in heaven.  The plants were soon covered with beetles and eggs.   However, those plants along with the beetles have since been ‘removed’, and meanwhile at the other end of the farm is a field of potatoes without a beetle on them.  It’s too soon to celebrate, but I’m hoping I can end the year by saying that I’m smarter than a potatoe beetle.




That’s it for this week.  I’ll talk more about other pest problems we aren’t having in future newsletters.

See you soon!

Jonathan, Nicole, Sarah, Kendra