We’ll have the following veggies this week:
lettuce, spinach, bok choi, broccoli, celery, beets, carrots, onions, potoato, beans, canteloupe, cucumber, zucchini, tomato, peppers, leeks, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, hot peppers
On the farm this week:
I can’t believe it’s been 15 weeks already. So for some people it’s the last week of CSA pick up. Thank you for eating our vegetables all summer and I hope you enjoyed them. We’ve been really lucky with the weather the last few weeks. Every week is perfect weather for working outside in and still no frost yet! But even still we figure it’s time to start introducing the fall veggies. This week it’s going to be leeks. I don’t know what it is about the leeks this year but they’re as potent as cutting up an onion. Hannah had an allergic reaction and her eyes swelled up and Irina was crying from harvesting the leeks. If you saw us harvesting leeks you’d think we were the most miserable people alive.

We also pulled out all of the tomatoe plants out of the big greenhouse (we picked all the tomatoe first though) and it was a big job! We’re taking them out now so that we can plant spinach right away and hopefully have spinach throughout the winter. Spinach is pretty much the most cold hardy vegetable you can grow and I won’t be heating the greenhouse, so we’ll see what happens! Here’s Hannah, Ishbel and Sarah pulling out tomatoes. It’s also Hannahs last day for real this time. We ended up getting her for an extra couple weeks because she hasn’t moved yet. We will miss her!

Also, the washtation has been taken over by giant spiders. There’s like a hundred of them and they lower themselves down from the ceiling to do what I have no idea, and then slowly pull themselves back up. Here’s one that lowered itself down onto Irinas head. I’m guessing it’s plan is to make nest. I didn’t tell her about it…

That’s it for this week
See you soon,
Jonathan, Sarah, Irina, Hannah, Ishbel, Shane,