Farm news, Sept 11/2016

We will have the following veggies this week:

Lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, carrots, beets, onions, potatos, leeks, melons, winter squash, bell peppers, hot peppers, cucumber, zucchini, celery, cabbage, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil and scallions

On the farm this week:

The weather has been perfect for working in this week: cool and overcast – the only downside to this weather is that nothing really grows, so there’s no work to do in it!

This cooler weather makes me think of leek and potato soup  so we thought it’s a good week to start harvesting leeks.   Here’s Shenggang way in the distance holding up some leeks.


You can also see how much some the oats have grown in just one week.  So I guess I lied – things still grow pretty well this weather afterall!  Also, anyone is welcome to bring their cats out to graze  on the oats as I hear that’s a thing people do with their cats now.

We’ll be shifting into fall crops now as the summer crops slow down in production.  Also, our tomatos have now succumbed to disease and so are finished for this year.   Right now I’m having plant tissue tested for nutrient levels and that will hopefully provide some insight into why they’re sick.


Meanwhile in the greenhouse things it’s spring!  The little cucumber patch has just started producing and the greens are getting big!

That’s it for this week,

See you soon!

Jonathan, Nicole, Shenggang and Irina.