We’ll have the following veggies this week for CSa:
Full share: lettuce mix (450g), spinach (400g), pea shoots (150g), choose one: arugula or mustard mix (150g), 1 green onion, choose one: dill or cilantro, choose one: radish or turnip, one bunch bok choi, choose one: kale or chard or brocccoln.
Half share: lettuce mix (300g), spinach (225g), bok choi, choose one: arugula/mustard mix/pea shoots (150g), Choose one: radish/turnip/kale/broccolini , Choose one: dill/cilantro/green onion
If this looks familiar, it’s almost the same as last week, except with dill and cilantro added. But hopefully that will make it that more exciting when new things start arriving. One of these items below will be the next thing that gets added next week ( and no it’s not the covered part which is the kale). It is a bulbous protrusion from the cabbage family. If you can guess what it is you will win an extra one of those bulbous protrusions. We might also have some bulbous protrusions from the spinach family, but I think those are still 2 weeks away.

On the farm this week:
I’m really happy that heat wave was Sunday and not today! Today was a little breezy and overcast, so it wasn’t too bad! But, it was still hot enough for me to take off all my clothes, and sure enough – the mosquitos all came out damn it!! But that having lots of mosquitos in the morning make me appreciate plus 30 and sunny more becuse at least there’s not usually mosquitos then. This year I’ve been practicing looking for positive things in every situation- can you tell?
Last week when we weren’t harvesting we were hand weeding the onions – and now the onions are all weeded and today I seeded rye in the pathways. Bare soil is very damaging to soil the microbes which, just like people, need food, shelter and love so I try to seed winter rye in a lot of the pathways to give them some food and shelter. Judging by the amount of earthworms I think theres also a lot of love going on down there.

And now we’re on to weeding our very weedy second seeding of carrots. Every year I end up seeding our 2nd and 3rd seeding of carrots in the weediest spot of the garden. Last year it was because I seeded carrots into a spot where I seeded a cover crop of oats and peas half of which didn’t germinate until I seeded the carrots and watered them. I vowed not to do that again, but then I did it again this year! I had a much better spot planned for them, but it was in a tail cover crop of winter rye and it’s been too wet to till it in until now, so I put it in the weedy spot where I had seeded oats and peas again!!! But this year most of the cover crop had germinated, so it’s not as bad as last year at least.

That’s it for this week,
see you soon!
Jonathan, Sarah, Irina, Sandra, Tessa and Morgan.
Bulbous protrusion of the cabbage family: Garlic scapes!
No sorry, garlic is in the allium family. It’s kohlrabi!
I’m guessing kohlrabi would be the bulbous protrusion from the cabbage family