Farm news July 8th

This week CSA er’s will be receiving:

Choices from:

Lettuce, spinach, zucchini, peas, broccoli, beets, dill, cilantro, basil, parsley, scallions, chard, kale, beet greens, turnips, arugula, kohlrabi and cucumbers.

Last year kohlrabi scored not too highly on the customer feedback, but when I said I planned to plant less kohlrabi riots started breaking; so I put it back on the list.  I think everyone should try this wonderful vegetable.  If you’re not familiar with it, I just posted a recipe and link to a website that talks about it, so I recommend looking into it.  If nothing else, it’s great raw.  I eat mine like an apple (I don’t even peel them).

We just started picking cucumbers today and dug up some carrots which are just about ready.  Like with zucchini last week – there aren’t many cucumbers yet, but

This week at the farm:

We’ve got a potatoe beetle problem.  Argh They outsmarted me again! (good thing I didn’t celebrate yet).  They’re didn’t make it to the potatoes yet though, just the eggplants which weren’t too far from them.  Kendra, the number one picker on the farm has been rotating back and forth between picking peas and picking potatoe beetles all day .  She usually picks 25 lbs of peas and then picks 25 lbs of beetles and then back to peas just to ‘mix it up’.


We’ve also got cabbage moths out now finally.   This year so far has been pretty great for cabbage moths – We even rolled up all our row covers and put them away (it makes life so much easier not having to cover and uncover things constantly).  There’s still not lots of moths, but we’ll probably be getting the covers back out to cover the up kale up.

Finally, the lettuce mix we’ll have next time we have lettuce mix (right now there are a lot of heads of lettuce that need to be eaten) is the new ‘Salanova’ lettuce.    It’s made from full heads of lettuce that break apart into small leaves; so it has the full  flavour of head lettuce.    Nicole thinks it tastes amazing. I’m not sure I taste a difference yet, but it’s hard to tell after I’ve just had a mouthful of donuts.  We’d like to hear what you think.  It’s made from 8 different varieties of lettuce, 4 of which are butter heads.


That’s it for this week.  See you all soon!

Jonathan, Nicole, Sarah, and Kendra