We’ll have choices from the following vegetables this week:
Lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, broccoli, broccolini, carrots, beets, zucchini, cucumber, cabbage, sweet onion, beans, tomato, potato and garlic.
On the farm this week:
It looks like the drought might actually be coming to an end: we haven’t had rain in over a week and it’s hot! So the watering (for this first time this year) has begun. Fortunately. we are almost all done planting for the year, so we have more time for watering and weeding. The only thing we have left to plant over the next weeks are lettuce, spinach, dill and cilantro and then we’ll be done! Here’s everyone weeding our last planting of broccoli so that we can cover it up before the cabbage moths get bad. We’ve been lucky this year – there really haven’t been any cabbage moths yet – I wonder where they’re hiding?? We have sandbags hauled out along all the rows of brassicas and covers out ready to roll out; so when they do come- we’ll be ready!

All the rain this spring has been great for the potatos which CSA will start getting this week. The potatos take up more space than any other crop. The whole garden is about 5 acres, and the potatos take up just over one acre! Potatos are the easiest crop to weed because they can be weeded effectively with the tractor. However it’s not fun weeding with the tractor with sprinkler lines throughout the potatoes. So having no sprinkler lines in the potatos all spring was very nice! Here’s Emerson and Leslie getting a little break from picking beans to pick potatos. Leslie has spent so much time picking peas and beans this spring that he’s body was very confused when he actually did something else and he kept trying to crouch downd and pick beans while he was in the potatos.

That’s it for this week. See you soon!
Jonathan, Sarah, Sandra, Tessa, Morgan, Alyssa, Leslie, Emerson.