We’ll have choices from the following veggies this week:
lettuce, chard, kale, celery, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, beets, onions, potato, beans, tomato, cucumber, zucchini, basil, parsley, cilantro, scallion.
On the farm this week:
This week it’s suddenly not humid, it’s not hot and there’s no mosquitos! We’ve somehow gone from hell to heaven overnight. Also, not only are there no mosquitos – but there are still no cabbage moths. Just beyond Sandra here is our kale and broccoli. Normally this time of year it would all be covered with insect netting and we’d be uncovering it and recovering it every time we harvest. We have all the sandbags and covers out but haven’t yet covered anything once. I could get used to this!

The one insect that is still here however is the potato beetle. But they can’t seem to eat the potatos as fast as they grow because we are getting some incredible yield on the potatos. When I dug up the first row last week I did start to panic a bit bc we already have the potato yield we usually have mid September and I don’t know how we’ll harvest these all. It turns out consistent rain helps plants grow. Here’s one row of potatos after being dug up.

Blessed relief
That’s it for this week: Jonathan, Sarah, Sandra, Tessa, Morgan, Alyssa, Leslie,