We’ll have the following veggies this week:
lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, arugula, mustard greens, broccoli/broccolini, sweet onions, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, beets, cabbage, cucumber, peppers, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil,
On the farm this week:
With it being overcast and and forecasted to rain, we had a nice break form the heat last week. But still, with a whole week of rain in the forecast we still didn’t get any of it!! I really am getting rid of my weather app now. But the overcast skies make watering a little easier at least. So we watered lots!
The onions this week and for the next while will be sweet onions. They’re mild and juicy and are go great with cucumber salad! Below is Hannah holding up some onions. We plant a lot of things including onions in the bio degradibel plastic you can see below. We still have to weed the holes in the plastic and the edges take a lot of weeding, so I thought it might not actually be saving me any weeding time – as long as we don’t let the weeds get too big to hoe – and so I tried 2 beds of sweet onions without plastic and one on plastic. Well we definitely let the weeds get too big to hoe and thank Goodness I didn’t do all the onions this way. It got crazy in there. Also interesting for me was the onions in the plastic were WAY bigger. Which told me I’m still not watering nearly enough this summer. Pretty much all the onions this week will be coming from the 1 out of 3 beds that is under plastic and I will keep watering the other ones and hope they catch up.

Also, if you notice, there’s no weeds in the backround!! That’s because we’ve had a few extra hands for the last week: David, Ryan, and Kennedy have come out to just weed for one week straight. They’re pulling out all the weeds that are going to seed before they create even more weeds for next year. It was an extremely monotonouse and tiring week for them I’m sure but it’s so much appreciated and it’s a big relief to finally be getting all the weeds out. You can’t see them because they’re probalby lying face down in one of those rows somewhere.

That’s it for this week. See you soon!
Jonathan, Sarah, Irina, Hannah, Kaitlyn, Ronald, Sarah, and special guests: Kennedy, David and Ryan