We’ll have the following veggies for CSA this week:
Lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, broccoli, broccolini, cabbage, kohlrabi, beets, carrots, zucchini, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, green onions
On the farm this week: Well we had July in May, then June in June and now we are having May in July. Everyone had their winter coats on this week. It was 6 degrees in the morning! But I’m happy because May is my favourite month so I’m glad we get to have it now. But if this continues we’ll be having April in August.If you were at folk fest I hope the camping wasn’t too cold!
It’s also been another busy week of planting. We have finished planting all the fall broccol this week and the only thing left that we have to transplant is a few more weeks of lettuce. Here’s our tiny broccoli plants in the foreground with our potatoes behind that and way at the back is our summer broccoli!

And we have a new young whipersnapper, Emerson who lives pretty much across the street from the farm and who turned out to be Tessa’s next door neighbour! So now Tessa doesn’t have to walk home after a long day. I asked Emerson why she doesn’t walk and she said it would rather have that extra 5 minutes to sleep. her’

And finally you may have noticed that Alyssa has brought her mom out of retirement to help her out at the Wolseley pick up the last couple weeks – and it was her birthday this week so say happy birthday if you see her! She goes by Barb or Alyssas mom.

Well that’s it for this week,
See you soon,
Jonathan, Sarah, Irina, Sandra, Tessa, Morgan, Alyssa, Emerson and Barb (Alyssas mom)