We’ll have the following veggies this week for CSA:
lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, cucumber, zucchini, tomato, potato, carrot, beet, onion, melon, cabbage, beans, peppers, eggplant, cilantro, dill, parsley, basil, green onion
On the farm this week:
We got rained on today! It was a pretty wet and muddy harvest today. but that’s ok. I think it’s likely we won’t have to water again this year. It’s time to start harvesting the melons. We’ll have canteloupe and watermelon. If you’re one of those people that don’t like canteloupe – we still think you should try these. Every year people tell us they don’t like canteloupe but love these. Here’s Sandra holding a pile of melons on the front of the tractor this morning so they didn’t spill.
I also had a shock last Friday when I went out to weed the lettuce, and there was Hannah in the lettuce already hoeing. Hannah worked here last summer and moved to Alberta to be a cowgirl. But she was in town and wanted to see Irina. Everyone always comes back for Irina! I’ve learned it’s important to keep Irina happy if you want everyone to be happy. Unfortuantley it’s not a great picture (she’s way at the back). But you can see Tessa hoeing away with some very tall socks on. This also is our last planting of lettuce. So we have no new things to weed after this! But we still have some old things to catch up on weeding.

And here in the distance is Dylan covering up our brussels sprouts. It’s been weird year for insects. We have lots of cabbage moths out now – but they’re one month late. And we haven’t had our fall onslaught of flea beetles yet and I”m not sure when that will be. But we are getting ready! And speaking of brussels sprouts. They’re getting tall so we’ll be cutting the tops of next week!

That’s it for this week.
See you soon,
Jonathan, Sarah, Irina, Sandra, Tessa, Morgan, Dylan and Michelle