We’ll have the following veggies this week:
lettuce, spinach, chard, bok choi, broccoli, celery, beets, carrots, potatos, onions, beans, squash, tomato, cucumber, zucchini, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, hot peppers.
On the farm this week:
It looks like we’re going to have another week without frost! It’s both a happy and sad reality. It’s happy because we still have cucumbers and beans to pick. It’s also sad because that means we still have cucumbers and beans to pick. I think I speak for everyone when I say I don’t mind picking spinach at zero degrees in the morning if it means we don’t have to pick cucumbers and beans anymore.
For the first time this summer we have a glut of tomatoes. The tomatoes we picked from the big greenhouse are ripening so fast now that we’ve picked them and laid them out in our other greenhouse. And Here’s Hannah and Ishbel sorting tomatoes. She quite one month ago, and everyday I’m so confused because she keeps showing up. She promised last week was her last week for real this time, but then who shows up this morning but Hannah!

We also started the squash harvest this week. We really have a lot of squash this year! When we don’t have enough of something it’s stressful. And when we have too much it’s also stressful. Also, when we have just the right amount its’ also stressful until the last minute when I realize we have enough. So, no matter how much we have, it’s stressful! We’ve been moving these squash out of the field bit by bit over the last week and hope to be done this week.

If you’re not familiar with your squash here’s a few notes:
Butternut: Actually makes a great pumpkin pie! It’s also classic for soups.
Pumpkin – makes a a great butternut squash soup! It’s also good for pumpkin pies.
Orange hubbard – It’s teardrop shape will help distinguish it from the red kobacha which is flat and round. It’s good for pies and purees bc it’s specks of skin will not show.
Blue hubbard – Sweet flesh bright orange fiberless flesh. Skin is tender compared to other hubbards making it easier to cut. It’s good for soups and pies.
spaghetti – Makes great spaghetti! Is good baked and the insides scooped out. Add pasta sauce or butter and garlic.
Red Kobacha: Tender flesh is smooth, sweet and bright orange for baking, mashing and pies. They’re flat and round which distiguishes them from the orange hubbard
Buttercup (No picutre here, but we have some): Have deep orange fiberless flesh with a rich sweet flavor. They’re flat round and dark green.
Acorn: Easy to cut in half and bake with butter and maple syrup.
Delicata: very sweet and good for stuffing and baking.
Also, for fun we planted some big pumpkins, and I’m not sure what to do with them now. So, if you want to win a pumpkin, guess which one of these things are not like the other?

That’s it for this week,
See you soon,
Jonathan, Sarah, Irina, Hannah, Ishbel and Shane