Farm news, Aug 22/2016

We’ll have the following veggies this week:

lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, carrots, beets, onions, zucchini, cucumber, broccoli, cabbage, bell peppers, eggplant, beans, basil, dill, cilantro and parsley.

On the farm this week:

It was a busy week!  We harvested and hung all the garlic and started to pull all the onions.  Unfortunately,  Lance also became sick so I couldn’t just let him do all the work. Lance is now awaiting surgery for his wisdom teeth and will be moving back to the city and we’re not sure when he’ll be back.

Shengang and Irina were nice enough to work this weekend.   Shenggang even brought his family and said he’d rather volunteer than work on saturday( I know, that makes no sense) Shenggang is very nice guy but not a very good negotiator.   But we got all the garlic harvested and curing now.  Most of it will be for replanting but we’ll also have some for sale.  If you like the smell of garlic come hang out in this room.


We also had help from a CSa member Manny today, and thanks to Irina and Manny, the onions are all pulled up now also and starting to dry.  At the end of the day of pulling garlic and onions I  boiled my shirt in a pot and it actually made a delicious soup broth.


I should also give my dad some credit for once.  These rickety greenhouses that he’s standing in front of are what I’ve been using to start all my plants in for the last 6 years (I can’t believe it’s been that long).  Every year they collapse under the snow and every year I rebuild them because I’m was lazy to shovel them off and every year I tell myself I’ll shovel them off this year.  It’s amazing how much work being lazy can be!  I’ve been telling myself I’ll rebuild them every weekend, but haven’t done it yet.  So thankfully my dad came out as he often does to help me out when I’m behind and rebuilt them.  We’ll be moving the onions and squash in here soon to start to cure them also.  I guess this means fall is coming!


That’s it for this week,

See you soon,

Jonathan, Nicole, Shenggang, Irina and Lance