Farm news,

We’ll have the following veggies this week: Lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, corn, beans, tomato, pepper, cucumber, zucchini, carrots, beets, potato, onion, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, green onion, hot peppers.

On the farm this week:

This week we finished are finished planting! I know I said that last week, but then I got nervous and we planted some more. That’s usually how it goes, I keep getting nervous and planting more usually right up until it’s snowing and I can see there’s no point in planting anything more.

We also finished weeding (for the time being)! Below is everyone finishing the last section of the farm to be weeded. These rows were supposed to be carrots, but somehow I managed to seed dill for several rows of those carrots. I kept thinking the rows looked like dill, but didn’t believe I could make such a mistake, plus the thought that I did was too stressful; so I kept telling myself they were carrots until Sandra asked me why I seeded dill in the rows of carrots. To which I got really annoyed and said “I didn’t!”. But the panic quickly set in as I she forced me to admit I did and I quickly went out to seeding more carrots (the smaller ones to the left). It’s instances like this which is why I always get nervous and plant too much. Now I have planted too many carrots and that means there will be more weeding.

And here is the rest our last planting of lettuce which will hopefully take us upto late October:

That’s it for this week. Thanks and see you soon!

Jonathan, Sarah, Sandra, Morgan, Tessa, Alyssa, Leslie and Barb