We still plan to continue with our normal CSA program for 2020, but will be taking added measures to protect the health and safety of our customers and the community. The first pick up is planned for June 9th and and we don’t know what the situation will be like then, but we are preparing for a number of scenarios so that whatever the case may be we can conduct the CSA pick ups in accordance with the most relevant safety protocols at that time.
For CSA pick ups, this likely means:
- Produce will be weighed and packaged ahead of time. This will speed up pick up time and eliminate scales and handling of produce.
- Staff will wash hands regularly and have gloves available.
- A hand sanitizing station will be set up
- Lines will be spaced out to ensure customers are 6 ft apart while waiting for their produce. (Despite people being spaced further part, we believe the pick ups will go quickly bc everything will be packaged ahead of time. We may also have staff packing the shares rather than have people go through line and just have people take a number rather than form a line)
- Prepacked farm shares are already currently offered for $25 for the season and are automatically done for farm pick up. If it is determined that we should pre pack all the farm shares ahead of time we will do so, in which case the fee will be optional. I’m currently exploring ways to still be able to customize the farm shares and offer choices if this were to happen.
- Bins/supplies will be sanitized after each CSA pick up or we will use cardboard boxes/grocery bags that you will take with your pick up
- We are looking into home delivery and/or alternate drop off locations. If home delivery interests you please fill out this form: Home delivery
On the Farm, this means:
- Farm workers will maintain a separation of 6 feet or more. (Fortunately this is easy to do in a big open field.)
- The washing and packing vegetables will be done in a sanitized environment.
- Alll surfaces in the wash station including knives, containers, wash basins will be sanitized before washing and packing vegetables. Each worker will have a face mask to wear when packing vegetables.
- Workers will wash hands before and after harvest or starting any new task.
- Any worker feeling sick will stay home
We would also like to take this time to get some input from the community on practices they might like to see implemented at the CSA pick-up and farmers market, and to ask anyone uncomfortable with the idea of picking up their produce to please contact us so that we may explore other options. This is something we are going to keep thinking about and we will probably be exploring many other options over the next couple months.