Farm news June 17/2024

We’ll have choices from the following veggies this week:

lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, radish, turnip, broccolini, arugula, mizuna, carrots, bok choi, dill, cilantro, green onions.

New this week is our broccolini which is actually a cross between gailan and Chinese broccoli. It is a long and tender stem and the whole stems is meant to be eaten. It is very sweet and tasty! You can steam or sautee it very quickly.

On the farm this week:

It suddenly hit 25C this week and we are not acclimatized to that kind of heat yet! And it was made worse by the fact that we’re still wearing winter jackets in the field bc we are so used to the cold that its the only clothing we bring to work.

This friday the ground was finally dry enough to do some weeding so we went ‘ham’ on the weeding. (If you don’t know what ‘ham’ means you could ask a teenager. I don’t actually know what it means, but I hear the teenagers saying that now; so I thought I’d start saying it too). If there are any teenagers reading this maybe you could tell me what I’ve been saying. Here is everyone nearing the end of the day Friday going ‘ham’ on the onions.

We also managed to catch up on planting and planted all our winter and fall cabbage last week. All our fields have been in cover crops and with it being so wet I was waiting for some dryness to prepare them for planting. Here’s our tiny little winter cabbages. with more insect netting in place ready for the flea beetles which are really stressing me out by being so unpredictable. They seem to have gone away now, persaps they’re just waiting for the weekend.

That’s it for now. Thanks and see you soon!

Jonathan, Sarah, Ssndra, Morgan, Tessa, Alyssa, Emerson, Leslie.