We’ll have choices from the following veggies for CSA this week:
lettuce mix, spinach, bok choi, kale, chard, arugula, radish, turnip, dill, cilantro, green onion, pea shoots, broccolini, beets.
On the farm this week:
I think after last weeks 35 c heat combined with a windchill of -35 c anything under 30c is going to feel like blessing and today was one of those days!. Also, we finally got some rain on Thursday. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to not to have to water for a couple days which was nice. So far this has been the best week of the last 2 weeks!
The other good news is that the flea beetles have calmed down a bit this week. They have been very bad this spring! Usually we cover the brassicas at the beginning of May and uncover them at the beginning of June because by then the flea beetles have come. So at the beginning of June we rolled up all the big covers and hauled away all the sandbags and then just as I was thinking too myself ‘huh, the flea beetles weren’t that bad this year’ I started coughing violently from all the flea beetles I was suddenly inhaling. Those little bastards have become very unpredictable and it’s hard to plan my summer around them! Thankfully Sandra came to the rescue and spent her Saturday night rolling out covers and hauling sandbags with me. Here’s Alyssa hoeing some cabbages that have been uncovered for the second time.

This week will be a new person Kasey working at the CSA pick up in Wolseley Tuesday. Kasey and Irina and I will be trading off at the pick ups this year because I’m getting old (er) and need to pace myself and there’s so much to do at the farm! Here’s Kasey (on the right) and Tessa ( on the left) bagging lettuce. Make sure to ask her what Kambo is.

That’s it for this week.
See you soon!
Jonatha, Sarah, Irina, Sandra, Tessa, Morgan, Kasey and Alyssa,