We’ll have choices form the following veggies this week;
Lettuce, spinach, kale, arugula, mizuina, radish, chicory, turnip, carrots, bok choi, scallions, dill, cilantro, pea shoots.
The chicory is a new salad green we are trying. It adds some extra loft and texture and a slightly bitter flavour to your salads.
On the farm this week:
It hasn’t rained in about 4 days now – so the drought is worsening! I’ve been trying to take advantage of the slighty dryer conditions to prepare more field space for planting and doing some weeding. This week I mowed our big tall stand of fall rye which we will be planting our fall broccoli into. I also tried crimping driving over it with a heavy bar, but that didn’t work as it’s starting to stand up again. So I’ll have to try mowing it all. Here below is the mown rye on the left, the crimped in the middle and the yet to be crimped on the right. The rye is also producing tons of pollen now and unfortunately I’m allergic to grass pollen, so that did not go that well. And I’m told I look quite ugly with my eyes swollen

We’ve also been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the flea beetles and Friday just before the end of the day they arrived. Tbey usually like to show up on the weekend when no one is working. We normally finish at 2 and they knew that so they came at 2:05, but I tricked them this time because we were working late on Friday and everyone was available to help cover up our brassicas before the weekend. It used to be the the Flea beetles would come in Mid may and once they were gone we’d uncover everything and put away the covers so we could weed. the last few years they don’t come util June, so this year I finally learned to just leave the covers in place ready to cover everything up once they show up.

That’s it for this week. Thanks and see you soon,
Jonathan, Sarah, Sandra, Morgan, Tessa, Alyssa, Emerson and Leslie