Farm News, July 16/2024

We’ll have choices from the following veggies for CSA this week:

lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, broccolini, cabbage, kohlrabi, beets, carrots, cucumber, zucchini, dill, cilantro, sweet onion, parsley, green onion, garlic scapes.

On the farm this week:

Our cucumbers have finally arrived! I was actually not planning on having them this week until this very moment when I saw how many cucumbers we harvested today and was quite surprised because on Friday there still weren’t any cucumbers! Here isn’t a picture of our cucumbers, but is another new thing this week: cabbage. Here’s Sarah holding up some pointy cabbages which we tried this year. The early spring cabbages are tender, crunchy and sweet and are perfect from summer salads, slaws or cooked dishes and really good for poking people with.

Another crop that is late this year that I like to harvest when we start to harvest cucumbers is our sweet onion because they go perfect in a cucumber salad. Here’s some strange person pretending to eat a raw onion for the camera. You can see in the pathways there is grass seeded. Usually I seed cereal rye in the pathways bc it doesn’t go to seed until the following year. This year I decided to grow a mixure of annual grasses and clover in a number of pathways. Well now if I don’t mow them all every week I will have them going to seed. I got myself into a big problem that won’t end until winter.

And finally. It dried up last week and we got some much needed weeding and 40 degrees with humidex is the perfect temperature for weeding according to Tessa. This is our winter cabbage in bad need of weeding.

That’s it for this week.

See you soon,
Jonathan, Sarah, Sandra, Tessa, Morgan, Alyssa, Leslie,