Farm News, Aug 19/2024

We’ll have choices from the following veggies this week:

Lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, broccolini, celery, zucchini, cabbage, carrots, beets, onion, potato, beans, peppers, tomato, cucumber, basil, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, hot peppers

On the farm this week:

The harvest for fall continued last week and over the course of the week we finished harvesting all the onions! Here’s everyone in the washstation cleaning up onions. Friday was onions all day and it was hot and the smell of us all with our sweat and onion soaked clothes at the end of the day was something! In fact, the the smell of onion was so thick you could actually taste the air – which actually well quite with my pizza at lunch. Here are the last of the onions being hauled out of the field.

And here’s Alyssa and Morgan who literally carried All of the onions out of the field and to the greenhouse to dry. And that’s Tessa in the background trying to waft away the smell.

And we’re starting to harvest peppers now. I was worried we would not have peppers this year. The spring was so cold and windy that shortly after planting them, our peppers looked very very distraught. I kept thinking about covering them but then I thought – ‘ I’m sure that by the the time I cover them it will be hot and we’ll have to uncover them again’. But it turned out that I told myself that every day for over a month! Next year I’m resolved to just cover them them right away. Here are the peppers and not looking so bad now. And here is yet another section I planted to annual grasses that I am stuck mowing all summer.

That’s it for this week:

See you soon!

Jonathan, Sarah, Sandra, Morgan, Tessa, Alyssa, Leslie, Hiwot and Barb.