Farm news Aug 12/2024

We’ll have choices from the following veggies this week:

Lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, broccoli, cabbage, potato, carrots, onion, beets, zucchini, cucumber, tomato, beans, peppers, basil, dill, cilantro, parsley, green onion

On the farm this week

We’ve got spinach back on the menu. Now as the days are getting shorter and cooler we are entering into prime spinach season: winter. That’s right, winter is coming!

Because we are entering fall, it means we will be finishing planting this week! Usually this is my favourite week of the summer. Just knowing that planting is done for the year is such a relief! So if suddenly seem less unhappy this week that why.

Last week we also harvested all our garlic and we got a good harvest. Leslie got another break from beans to pull out the garlic. He still gets very confused when he’s not picking beans and takes some time to adjust. Here he is with Hiwot who has joined us for August to help with all these busy jobs. The garlic is not planned as part of the CSA veggies, but rather as an add on that we sell in bulk in the fall.

And just when I said we had no cabbage moths – the cabbage moths showed up! But that’s ok. We are almost finished harvesting all our summer broccoli which is perfect timing and our fall broccoli is planned to be ready after the cabbage moths have finished being annoying. But if you do find a worm in your. broccoli you still get a prize! Here’s what’s left of our summer broccoli There’s supposed to be a bunch of cabbage moths in the picture but you can’t see them.

That’s it for this week,

See you soon!

Jonathan, Sarah, Sandra, Tessa, Morgan, Alyssa, Leslie, Hiwot